Thought for the Week

The Grand Miracle

Dear Friends, Christianity is an unashamedly miraculous faith, just as it is also an historical faith. You can no more remove then miracles than you can remove the historical events and be left with anything worth believing. But which is the greatest miracle? I think I would instinctively say it was the Resurrection of Jesus.

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Coming Soon

Dear Friends, With an Advent calendar counting down the days until Christmas, an Advent ring reminding us of those like the patriarchs and prophets who waited for the coming of Christ, and a book of daily readings for Advent called Love Came Down at Christmas, it would be easy to think that Advent is all

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Making people feel guilty?

Dear Friends, Have you been accused of making others feel guilty? Have you refrained from saying something for fear of making someone feel guilty? Have you heard someone protest, “You’re just trying to make me feel guilty”? Instinctively we feel it’s wrong to make someone feel guilty. And then I heard an older minister friend

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Should we love ourselves?

Dear Friends, Have you heard Christian speakers or writers tell us that we need to love ourselves? They may point to Jesus quoting the second great commandment to “Love your neighbour as yourself” (e.g. Mark 12:31) and say that it presupposes that I will love myself before I love my neighbour. True, Jesus does assume

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Earth’s proud empires

Dear Friends, It’s been another exciting week in British politics, with government ministers resigning over the proposed Brexit deal and speculation of a no confidence vote on the Prime Minister’s leadership. Although it’s the kind of excitement that makes you long for boredom instead! Some at least can see a funny side, and comedian...

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Lest we forget

Dear Friends, Remembrance Sunday is especially poignant this year as it falls on the hundredth anniversary of Armistice Day when in 1918, at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the guns fell silent and peace returned as the fighting of the First World War came to an end. Many of

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Abducted, beaten, tortured

Dear Friends, Some of you will already use the Open Doors prayer diary to pray for persecuted Christians around the world. October is a month of prayer for India which is now 11th in the Open Doors World Watch List of the most persecuting countries, despite being the world’s largest democracy with a constitution that

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For or Against?

Dear Friends, Many are commenting how public debate is becoming increasingly polarised. Whether it’s Democrat versus Republican in the US, Leave versus Remain in the UK or just about any discussion on social media, you are either FOR or AGAINST in a very loud voice, with virtually no middle-ground allowed, where your side is entirely

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“I wanted my wedding dress to show my scar”

Dear Friends, That is what Princess Eugenie said of the dress she wore for her wedding on Friday when she married Jack Brooksbank. It was a remarkable statement. Most brides would try to hide their scars and other blemishes, but she chose to put hers on display by wearing a dress with a low back.

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How can a loving God send people to hell?

Dear Friends, That is the next of our occasional ‘Big Questions’ topics on Sunday 28th October. The idea behind dealing with these topics is three-fold: • To be able to invite people to come and hear the topic explored. • To equip ourselves better for handling such questions. • To give us the opportunity to

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