Thought for the Week


Dear Friends, Do you believe that God has every detail of your life in his hands?  The places, the events and the times?  That’s what the Bible says!  In our evening services, we have been seeing God’s providence in the story of Joseph, in which his brothers clearly intended to harm him yet wonderfully “God intended it for

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It’s all about love

Dear Friends, In some ways the Christian life is really very simple: it’s all about love.  First of all, it’s about God’s love for us.  Apparently it’s not that easy for us to grasp that we really are loved by God, small, weak and sinful creatures that we are.  So Paul feels the need to

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How to walk into church (2)

Dear Friends, What do you think you’re coming to when you walk into church?  Your answer to that question will affect how you come: gladly or reluctantly; regularly or occasionally; asking what you’ll get out of it or seeking to serve others; expectant or resigned.  So what are we coming to? The New Testament word

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How to Walk into Church

Dear Friends, I don’t suppose most of us give much thought to how we walk into church. We just do it. Somehow it happens and there we are, sitting in our seats. And then we sit through church. And then a little while later we walk out of church. And it’s done for another week

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Subversive worship

Dear Friends, Have you realised that coming to church on Sunday is a subversive act? How can that be? It hardly feels subversive. Odd, perhaps, but subversive? It’s not as if our names are being taken by the authorities, or gatherings of more than two or three are prohibited, or church leaders are routinely disappearing.

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Leaving well

Dear Friends, I will never forget the sight of Archbishop Peter Jensen joining our family one morning for Bible reading and prayer after breakfast, wearing his pyjamas and dressing gown. And I will remember him for something more, and that is the clarity and faithfulness of his leadership, most recently as General Secretary of GAFCON

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Entrusted with a great task

How are you feeling about your ministries at church this year? Sometimes, we can feel less than enthusiastic. Another year of teaching rowdy kids? Another year of leading a small group of complex people? Another year of coaxing a half-hearted congregation into singing? Another year of serving tea and coffee, or moving chairs. On top

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The Grand Miracle

Dear Friends, Christianity is an unashamedly miraculous faith, just as it is also an historical faith. You can no more remove then miracles than you can remove the historical events and be left with anything worth believing. But which is the greatest miracle? I think I would instinctively say it was the Resurrection of Jesus.

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Coming Soon

Dear Friends, With an Advent calendar counting down the days until Christmas, an Advent ring reminding us of those like the patriarchs and prophets who waited for the coming of Christ, and a book of daily readings for Advent called Love Came Down at Christmas, it would be easy to think that Advent is all

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Making people feel guilty?

Dear Friends, Have you been accused of making others feel guilty? Have you refrained from saying something for fear of making someone feel guilty? Have you heard someone protest, “You’re just trying to make me feel guilty”? Instinctively we feel it’s wrong to make someone feel guilty. And then I heard an older minister friend

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