Happy New Year?

Dear Friends

What will this new year hold for us? It wouldn’t take long to list our hopes and fears, the things we would like to happen and the things we are afraid might happen. And we could quickly write lists not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones, our church and our nation. Or course, no-one knows for sure what will happen. That’s one of the reasons there’s so much speculation in the media! Who can say that anybody else is right or wrong? What a relief it is, then, to know that there is one thing we can be sure of. Whatever changes this new year brings – and doubtless there will be many – there is one thing (or one person), who does not change.

At the start of 2 Corinthians, Paul is answering the suspicion that he is fickle because his plans have changed. In reply, he reassures the Corinthians by saying that, “as surely as God is faithful…” (chapter 1, verse 18). God’s character does not change from one year to the next, let alone from one day to another. And God’s promises are sure: he doesn’t forget what he has promised; he doesn’t change his mind about his promises; he isn’t thwarted by circumstances he didn’t foresee; and there is no power that can stand in his way. Paul goes on to say that, “No matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ” (verse 20). Isn’t that an amazing thought? All God’s promises, with no exceptions, find their fulfilment in his Son. Will it be a happy new year? When we look at it from this perspective, I think we can say with confidence that it will be.

Chris Hobbs,
