A royal wedding

Dear Friends,

Could anyone have missed the announcement this week that Prince William is engaged to Kate Middleton, and there will be a royal wedding next year? One newspaper had sixteen pages of coverage! Who would not want to wish them well, especially when he is likely to be king one day, and when we think of the pressures they will both face, made all the harder in the shadow of the Prince’s late mother Diana?

It was amusing to hear radio presenters joking with their guests about whether they might be on the guest list for the wedding, and claiming some kind of connection with the happy couple, however remote it might be. It’s hard to imagine turning down an invitation to a royal wedding – not that I’m going to have the chance!

I haven’t read all the coverage, but I haven’t heard anyone mention that the whole world is waiting for a royal wedding – the wedding to end all weddings, when Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will take the church to be his wife for all eternity. Here is the announcement we will hear on that day: “For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready … Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:7,9, NIV).

As we witness the glorious pageant of next year’s royal wedding, we would do well to reflect how pathetic, and even tawdry, it will look compared with our great king’s wedding. And, on that great day, if we belong to Jesus, we won’t just be watching on television, or even as one of the honoured guests. We will be the bride!

Yours in Christ,
Chris Hobbs