Do you really care…?

On Thursday, I and a hundred or so others were asked the question: “Do you really care if people burn in hell forever?” It is a provocative question and the speaker meant it to be! As he went on I found myself reflecting that it doesn’t really look like I do care very much. In

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The Lord our Keeper

Better than any other book, the Bible describes life for us as it really is: sometimes joyful, sometimes tragic, by turns mundane, frustrating, exciting, confusing, tiring, energising. Thankfully, better than any other book, the Bible offers hope that really strengthens and protection that really saves: the Lord of life and the keeper of...

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New Year’s Anti-Resolutions

Have you made any New Year resolutions? To be better? Work harder? Get fitter? Pray more? Read more? Do more? I came across a refreshing tonic to the traditional New Year resolution: the anti-resolution. Here are a few examples: – I will not try to get my body into better shape. I’ll learn to love the

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This last week lots of us have been having a fabulous time at the Wild, Wild West Holiday Club. It probably didn’t look much like the wild, wild west but we did have some excellent teepees and lots of cactuses (or should that be cacti?) One of the most famous westerns, and some would say

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I want to know what love is

Do you remember the song I want to know what love is? It was released back in 1984 by Foreigner. The singer seems confident that his beloved can show him what love is, and that love is real. We humans prize love, we long for it and look for it. The constant outpouring of love songs in

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Time for everything?

Ever feel there is not enough time? Life can feel so busy these days and I often feel I’m not giving enough time to my immediate family, my wider family, my church family, my friends, my work. With all the things on the to do list there is definitely no time for rest as well.

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